Buckeye Packards, Inc. is a region of the National Packard Automobile Club (PAC). The first official meeting was held February 1974. These first members certainly were dedicated as 9 inches of snow lay on the ground that evening. We still are very dedicated as many of us arrive at meetings each month in all kinds of weather. Weather permitting, we arrive in a Packard. In 1974 there were five members. Today, there are 60 + members.

We are a group of antique and classic car enthusiasts and owners who enjoy meeting together and love driving and owning our beautiful Packards.

When dependability is vital, when high speed is necessary, when a fast get-away is absolutely necessary, we depend on our Packards "ASK THE MAN WHO OWNS ONE"

If you would like to join us please click on the logo for the Red Hex (our monthly newsletter) below for meeting dates and location.
Click the logo below to get our most recent newsletter: